
In this unit we covered the following topics

  • Uses of spreadsheet - tools
  • Format while designing a spreadsheet
  • Create, develop and test a spreadsheet
  • Uses of databases in a spreadsheet
I can't express enough how much I have learned in this unit, to the point that I didn't realised how useful this tool would be. The performance, design and set up was to me the most mind-eating but enjoyable process. Spreadsheet aren't just a set of rules followed by maths calculations, they go much further than that.

We were given the task to design, perform and test a spreadsheet using a PowerPoint presentation to present the outcome. 

I have to encourage you to learn about this tool. Spreadsheet is not only a requirement in IT, but something that will save so much of your time in the future. Remember, there is no limit to your capacity to learn!

Have a look down below to my assignment.

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